Prepare the 2 2040 extrusions
Use the 945mm 2040 extrusions (in case of a 1000×1000 machine configuration). If you are converting from a Workbee type CNC, then these will be the 995mm extrusions.
Slide in 2x 4 T slot nuts at one side (distributed over both channels). And 6 T slot nuts at the other side (in one channel):
Then you can put on end caps:
Prepare the 2080 extrusions
Slide in 2x 4 T slot nuts at one side (distributed over the 2 middle channels):
Connect the 2080 extrusions to the 2040 ones
Use double L brackets to connect the 2080 extrusions to the 2040 ones, with 8mm low profile screws:
Prepare the supporting 2040 extrusions
Use the 800mm long 2040 extrusions (in case of a 1000×1000 machine configuration). If you are converting from a Workbee type CNC, then these will be the 915mm extrusions.
Attach double L brackets with T slot nuts and 8mm low profile screws at the points where the 2040 extrusions will support the 2080 extrusions along the length:
Attach the supporting 2040 extrusions to the 2080 extrusions
Use 8mm low profile screws: