Y-plate assembly (ballscrews)

Items you need for this step:

1y plate left
1y plate right
14M5 nylon insert lock nut
2Y inner side plate
14V wheel assembly from previous step
14M5 low profile 60mm screw
 12 eccentric spacer 6mm
16 6mm aluminium spacer
143mm spacer
229mm spacer



And items for the nut blocks:

4M5 low profile 30mm screw

Watch the orientation of the Y plate. The hole where the ballscrew will go through, is pointing to the other direction than where the wheels go:

Place the 60mm screws:

On the bottom screws, place an eccentric spacer + a 3mm spacer. On the top row, a 6mm spacer + a 3mm spacer, or a 9mm spacer.

Detail bottom row:

Detail top row:

Add wheels:

Add 9mm spacers:

Add wheels

On the top row, add 6m spacers, on the bottom row, add eccentric spacers:

Detail bottom row:

Detail top row:

Put the plate on:

And close with M5 nylon insert lock nuts

Do it also in mirror for the other plate

Slide them over the Y C beams: and align over the nut block holder and attach with 30mm low profile screws:

The picture above, is for the plate oriented like this:

For the other plate the same, but mirrored