Items you need for this step:
Now; watch the orientation of the Y axis plate: contrary to the assembly instructions of leadscrew-based workbee, the indent / countersunk should point to the outside (thus away from the side where you will put the wheels):
Then, use 65mm screws, spacers, precision shims, v wheels assembly, to attach the wheels and to attach the inner plates:
Please not the difference between the bottom row with wheels, and the top row. Also note that this is a difference compared to the leadscrew build instructions.
In pictures:
Place the 65mm screws:
On the bottom screws, place an eccentric spacer + a 3mm spacer.
On the top row, a 9mm spacer.
Detail bottom row:
Detail top row:
Then, place on all 7 screws a 1mm precision shim
Then add wheels:
Add 9mm spacers:
Add wheels
On the top row, add a 1mm precision shim and a 6m spacers for the top row, or for the bottom row, a 1mm precision shim and eccentric spacer:
Put the plate on:
And close with M5 nylon insert lock nuts
Do it also in mirror for the other plate!