GRBL CNC controller

suitable for workbee-type CNC
suitable for x-carve-type CNC


The controller has 4 TB6600 stepper drivers, and they produce 2.8 amps per motor (that’s actually through a torque reduction circuit – they are capable of doing up to 4 amps).

The controller comes also  in a nice aluminium housing.

The limit switches and probe are filtered through optical isolation (HCPL-817 IC’s)

The usb line between the controller and the computer is isolated to prevent ground loop issues that may otherwise impact signal quality (NEW!)


Connectors for the 4 motors (X axis, 2 for the Y axis Z axis), connectors for limit switches and probe, and for signals to control spindle or laser (PWM – or if the PWM is high enough then it functions as on/off by adding a relais, but 0-10v output is also available), vacuum, mist coolant

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SKU: 5286 Category:

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