Items you need for this step:
Attach 6 V wheel assemblies to the Z plate with 30mm screws – and at one side of the plate, use 6mm spacers with a precision shim, whereas at the other side, use eccentric spacers with a precision shim:
Now use 25mm screws to attach the ACME nut block – and position 3mm spacers and precision shims between the ACME nut block and the Z plate:
Use 20mm screws to attach a stepper motor the X back plate, and put a 3 mm spacer between the motor and the plate:
Attach the X front plate, in the same way as you did for the Y axis plates:
Now is also a goo moment to attach the Z axis limit switch as it’s easier to reach now:
And attach the Z plate to the X front plate with 20mm screws: